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Use concurrency gates to prevent concurrent deployments

Concurrency gates are a Buildkite feature you can use to “lock” certain tasks, e.g. ensure that you’re only deploying one copy of an app at a time. The pattern is described in a Buildkite blog post, but it took actually implementing it in Wellcome’s front-end builds to wrap my head around it.

Here’s a simplified version of the Buildkite YAML from that PR, with my comments intact – which are what helped me understand it.

  - label: "Deploy to prod environment"
    command: ""

    # These three lines create a "lock" around this pipeline.
    # This means that once a deployment starts to an environment,
    # no other builds will deploy to that environment until this
    # deployment is complete and has run the end-to-end tests.
    # == How it works ==
    # This uses the "concurrency gate" pattern described in the Buildkite blog
    # here:
    # Once this job starts running, this build has to either:
    #   1)  fail, or
    #   2)  complete all the other tasks in this concurrency group -- which is
    #       just the "Complete!" task at the end of the pipeline
    # before any other build is allowed to run tasks in this concurrency group.
    # This means no other build can start a new deployment until this deployment
    # is complete.
    concurrency_group: "front-end-deployment-gate"
    concurrency: 1

  - wait

  - label: "Run end-to-end tests on the new deployment"
    command: ""

  - wait

  - label: "Complete the deployment"
    command: echo "Deployment complete!"

    # This is the second half of the concurrency gate described above.
    # Buildkite won't let any other pipelines run in this concurrency group until
    # this step has run (or the entire deployment has failed).
    # When this step completes, it "unlocks" the deployment and allows other
    # deployments to begin.
    concurrency_group: "front-end-deployment-${BUILDKITE_GITHUB_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT}-gate"
    concurrency: 1