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What characters are allowed in titles on Wikimedia Commons?

When you upload a file to Wikimedia Commons with the Upload Wizard, you sometimes get an error about invalid titles:

An error message: 'This title is invalid. Make sure to remove characters like square brackets, colons, slashes, comparison operators, pipes and curly brackets.'

I’ve seen the other title validation by watching the Network tab in the Safari developer tools, but I don’t see the page making any network requests before it rejects this title.

Instead, it’s inspecting the wgIllegalFileChars setting.

Debugging steps

In the Sources tab of the Safari developer tools, I did a global search (⇧⌘F) for the text in the error. There were two results: once in the HTML of the page where it was appearing, once in a list of error message translations. It’s the English translation for the error mwe-upwiz-error-title-invalid.

Screenshot of the web inspector highlighting a single message in a list of messages.

Then I did a search for the ID in the translation file, where I see that you can get this error if an exception is thrown while constructing the title. I made a guess that the makeTitleInFileNS function might be interesting:

Screenshot of the web inspector highlighting an error message being added to a list of errors.

I did another search to find the definition of the function, where I see that it looks for characters defined by a config setting:

Screenshot of the web inspector highlighting the definition of a function called `makeTitleInFileNS`.

And doing one more search, I can find the value of the config setting:

Screenshot of the web inspector highlighting a config value called `wgIllegalFileChars`.

Looking up the name of that config setting (wgIllegalFileChars) led me to a page in the MediaWiki documentation which describes the behaviour in more detail.

Looking back, I’m not sure I quite followed the right path. I don’t think makeTitleInFileNS throws an exception; instead, it sets the title to null if it contains illegal characters. There’s another place you can get the mwe-upwiz-error-title-invalid error if the title is empty, but it’s less obvious what’s setting the title in this context:

Screenshot of the web inspector highlighting an error message being added to a list of errors.