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Showing human-friendly dates in JavaScript

At work, we have an API for tracking the state of ingests in our digital archive. An ingest is a request to store new files in the archive. An ingest includes timestamps to record when it started, when it was being processed, and when it was successfully stored.

When you get an ingest from the API, the response includes the timestamps as ISO 8601 strings. For example:


The suffix “Z” tells us this is a UTC date string. You should always store datetimes as UTC – handling local timezones on servers is a world of pain – but you don’t always need to expose that in the presentation layer. UTC, ISO-compliant timestamps are great for computers, but they’re not so easy for humans to read.

We have a small dashboard for people to view the state of ingests, and I wanted to replace these timestamps with ones that are a bit more human-friendly. That means things like:

I’m sure there are JavaScript libraries that can do this, but in the dashboard I’m just using vanilla JS, so I wrote my own function. It’s short, it does the job, and it’s already reduced confusion between UTC and BST.

If you want to use it yourself, you can download the file, or read my code below:

{% highlight javascript %} // Renders a date in the local timezone, including day of the week. // e.g. “Fri, 22 May 2020” const dateFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat( [], {“year”: “numeric”, “month”: “long”, “day”: “numeric”, “weekday”: “short”} )

// Renders an HH:MM time in the local timezone, including timezone info. // e.g. “12:17 BST” const timeFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat( [], {“hour”: “numeric”, “minute”: “numeric”, “timeZoneName”: “short”} )

// Given an ISO 8601 date string, render it as a more friendly date // in the user’s timezone. // // Examples: // - “today @ 12:00 BST” // - “yesterday @ 11:00 CST” // - “Fri, 22 May 2020 @ 10:00 PST” // function getHumanFriendlyDateString(iso8601_date_string) { const date = new Date(Date.parse(iso8601_date_string));

// When are today and yesterday? const today = new Date(); const yesterday = new Date().setDate(today.getDate() - 1);

// We have to compare the formatted dates rather than the actual dates – // for example, if the UTC date and the localised date fall on either side // of midnight. if (dateFormatter.format(date) == dateFormatter.format(today)) { return “today @ “ + timeFormatter.format(date); } else if (dateFormatter.format(date) == dateFormatter.format(yesterday)) { return “yesterday @ “ + timeFormatter.format(date); } else { return dateFormatter.format(date) + “ @ “ + timeFormatter.format(date); } }

// Given an ISO 8601 date string, render a human-friendly description // of how long ago it was, if recent. // // Examples: // - “just now” // - “10 seconds ago” // - “20 minutes ago” // function getHumanFriendlyDelta(iso8601_date_string) { const date = new Date(Date.parse(iso8601_date_string)); const now = new Date();

const deltaMilliseconds = now - date; const deltaSeconds = Math.floor(deltaMilliseconds / 1000); const deltaMinutes = Math.floor(deltaSeconds / 60); const deltaHours = Math.floor(deltaMinutes / 60);

if (deltaSeconds < 5) { return “just now”; } else if (deltaSeconds < 60) { return deltaSeconds + “ seconds ago”; } else if (deltaMinutes == 1) { return “1 minute ago”; } else if (deltaMinutes < 60) { return deltaMinutes + “ minutes ago”; } else if (deltaHours == 1) { return “1 hour ago”; } else if (deltaHours < 6) { return deltaHours + “ hours ago”; } else { return “”; } } {% endhighlight %}