Documenting my DNS records
I had to change some of my DNS records recently, a phrase which strikes fear into the heart of sysadmins everywhere. It all went fine, but I definitely felt like I was playing with fire.
My current domain registrar is Hover, and the only way I can manage my domains is through a web dashboard on their website:

It’s easy to make a one-off change in this dashboard, but it’s harder to manage a set of DNS records over a long period. There are two big things it’s missing:
No documentation – there’s nowhere to keep notes or comments, so I can’t write down why I created a particular record or if I still need it.
No edit history – changes are immediate, and overwrite whatever was there before. If I break something, there’s no button to rollback or revert – I’m expected to just know what the old, working configuration was, and apply that as new.
One way to get both of these would be to use an infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool to manage my DNS records, which is how I’ve managed DNS records at multiple jobs. I could define my DNS records in code, add inline comments, and track changes in Git.
Unfortunately there are no IaC tools for Hover – it doesn’t even have a public API – so that approach is out. (If I was starting from scratch, one of the reasons I’d pick a different domain registrar is so I could use a proper IaC tool.) I could migrate my domains to another service, but that’s a big change and I’m a bit nervous doing that without any sort of safety net.
However, I’ve still found a way to add documentation and change history to my existing setup. This adds a safety net that makes me feel more comfortable making changes, and opens the door to me moving my domains elsewhere.
Getting a snapshot of my existing DNS records
This project started when I learnt about Alex Dalitz’s gem dnsruby, which lets you list DNS records in Ruby. Here’s a simple example:
require 'dnsruby' # dnsruby (1.72.1)
dns =
records = dns.getresources('', 'TXT')
# "v=spf1 ?all"
# "ahrefs-site-verification_c8470a858a715b78845c1b81e2dc2f7aa8b367ced4cd8d342a3986a33a03b84c"
# "google-site-verification=o3zoiEGC6aLEgPMKiyWHZcRZrutF6wHQjKqhkRvgWiQ"
You have to know exactly which domain name and record type you want to query – I don’t think there’s an easy way to get all the DNS records for a particular domain, especially if you want to include all the subdomains. This is a limitation of DNS, not the dnsruby gem.
But that’s not an issue for me, because I know what subdomains and record types I’m using – I can read them out of my web dashboard. By iterating over the possible domains and record types, I wrote a script that gets all my DNS records and saves them to a YAML file:
require 'date'
require 'yaml'
require 'dnsruby'
def get_dns_records(domain, record_type)
dns =
records = dns.getresources(domain, record_type)
domains_to_check = {
'' => ['NS', 'MX', 'A', 'TXT'],
'' => ['CNAME'],
'' => ['CNAME'],
# ...and several other domains and subdomains
dns_records =
.flat_map do |domain, record_types| do |rt|
[domain, rt, get_dns_records(domain, rt)]
now ='%Y-%m-%d.%H-%M-%S')
.to_h { |domain, rt, resources| ["#{domain} #{rt}", resources] }
puts "dns_records.#{now}.yml"
Here’s a little snippet of the YAML it produces:
--- NS:
- MX:
- 20
- 10 A:
This is already an improvement on what I had before – if I run this script on a schedule, I’ll have snapshots of what my DNS looked like on a particular date. I could use that to construct an edit history, and it would make it easier for me to revert a bad change. If I make a change and break something, I can look at a previous snapshot to see what working configuration I should re-apply.
And now I have my DNS records in a plaintext file, I can add comments.
Adding documentation to my DNS snapshots
I started rearranging one of these YAML snapshots, grouping similar records from different domains and adding comments to explain what they’re for. For example, I can add a comment to remind me where the IP address
comes from:
# == Netlify DNS records ==
# These are DNS records that allow me to use my own domains with my sites
# hosted on Netlify.
# See A: [ "", ] A: [ "", ] A: [ "", ]
I went through the snapshot and added a comment for every DNS record – now I know why created each record. It took a while, but now I have a much better understanding of what my DNS is doing, and what’s safe to change in the future. You can read the fully-commented file on GitHub. This file is now the canonical statement of what my DNS records should be.
I wrote a second script that can compare two YAML snapshots: do my live DNS records match this canonical statement?
require 'yaml'
expected_records = YAML.load_file(ARGV[0])
actual_records = YAML.load_file(ARGV[1])
if expected_records == actual_records
puts 'The DNS records match 🥳'
exit 0
puts "The DNS records don't match! 😱"
(expected_records.keys + actual_records.keys).uniq.each do |k|
next unless expected_records[k] != actual_records[k]
puts "#{k}:"
puts " - expected: #{expected_records[k].inspect}"
puts " - actual: #{actual_records[k].inspect}"
exit 1
Here’s the output:
$ ruby compare_dns_records.rb dns_records.yml dns_records.good.yml
The DNS records match 🥳
$ ruby compare_dns_records.rb dns_records.yml dns_records.bad.yml
The DNS records don't match! 😱 A:
- expected: [""]
- actual: [""]
In the first case, all my DNS records are configured correctly. In the second case, I’ve typo’d 75
as 57
– now I know that I need to go and fix something in my Hover dashboard.
It can’t actually fix the mistake, only tell me that something’s wrong – but this is much better than what I had before.
An infrastructure-as-code future
I’m going to leave my DNS records in Hover for now, but these scripts have also give me ideas for how I might migrate out of Hover, if I ever decide to do so. One of the tricky parts is replicating all my existing DNS records in a new service – how do I know I’ve done that correctly?
Fortunately, dnsruby is very flexible. Currently the nameserver for
is at Hover, and their nameserver is
. When you do a DNS lookup for my domain, it asks
for the DNS records.
But I can tell dnsruby to ignore that, and to ask Linode’s nameserver instead:
require 'dnsruby'
dns ={:nameserver => [""]})
records = dns.getresources('', 'TXT')
# []
I feel like this could give me more reassurance when I copy DNS records between providers. First, I copy my existing DNS records into the new provider. Then, I use dnsruby to get snapshots of the DNS records being served by my old/new provider’s nameservers. Finally, I compare the two snapshots to check they match.
Crucially, I could do this before I switch the domain to the new provider’s nameservers. This gives me time to test, to iterate, to fix silly mistakes, and I can do so at a relaxed pace without worrying if my site/email are down.
You can see the complete code on GitHub.
These two scripts allow me to do regular checks of my DNS. I have them set to run as a daily job in GitHub Actions. First, I create a snapshot of my live DNS records. Then, I compare those records to the canonical statement of what I expect my DNS to be. If the two have diverged, the job will fail and I’ll get an alert, and I’ll go to investigate.
I can also run the check on demand, if I’m actively making changes.
This doesn’t change anything in Hover or the way I manage my DNS records, but it’s done wonders for my peace of mind. I now have some written documentation about all of my DNS records are for, and I have an edit history so I can easily revert any breaking changes.