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The surprising utility of a Flickr URL parser

As part of my work at the Flickr Foundation, I wrote a little Python library that can be used to parse Flickr URLs. For example:

$ flickr_url_parser ''
{"type": "single_photo", "photo_id": "4727552068"}

This started as a simple project, and grew as I discovered more and more variants of Flickr URL. I’ve written about the library and how we’re using it in a new article on the Flickr Foundation blog.

At the heart of the project is a Python library called hyperlink. This is a URL parsing library that I first came across several years ago, when I made a few contributions to the python-hyper library. It has quite a nice API for breaking apart URLs:

>>> import hyperlink
>>> url = hyperlink.parse("")
>>> url.path
>>> url.fragment

There is a urlparse module in the standard library, but I prefer Hyperlink because of how it handles query strings. It does the work of parsing query strings and reversing any URL decoding in a single step, whereas it’s several steps with the standard library.


>>> url = hyperlink.parse('')
>>> url.query
(('greeting', 'hello world'), ('place', 'café'))
>>> url.get('place')


>>> url = urllib.parse.urlparse('')
>>> url.query
>>> urllib.parse.parse_qs(url.query)
{'greeting': ['hello world'], 'place': ['café']}
>>> urllib.parse.parse_qs(url.query)['place']

I find the former easier to write and to read. It also has a nice API for manipulating query parameters, which I use in a lot of projects.

If you want to learn more about the flickr-url-parser library, check out the GitHub repo or my article on