Tags » drawing things
Two examples of hover styles on images
When I hover over an image, I can add a border to a link, or change the colours of an SVG icon.
Drawing a better bandwidth graph for Netlify
A two-part pie chart lets me see how much bandwidth I’ve used this month, and whether I’m on track to exceed my bandwidth allowance.
s3tree: viewing a tree of objects in S3 in my terminal
A script to give me a quick overview of some objects in a hierarchical view.
Some experiments with circle-based art
Casually covering a canvas with coloured circles.
Drawing a circular arc in an SVG
A Python function to help me draw circular arcs, as part of an upcoming project.
Illustrating the cipher wheels of a Lorenz machine
Some old code I wrote to draw cam-accurate illustrations of cipher wheels.
Creating animated GIFs from fruit and veg
Some Python code for turning MRI scans of fruit and veg into animated GIFs.
Creating coloured bookshelf graphics in Rust
Explaining some code that draws coloured rectangles in a way that looks a bit like an upside-down bookshelf.
Creating striped flag wallpapers with Pillow
Adjusting the dominant colour of an image
Adjusting the hue to get different colour variants of the same image.
Generating pride-themed Norse valknuts with Python 🌈
A web app to generate mashups of Norse valknuts and Pride flags.
Drawing with triangular coordinates in SVG
Some code and trigonometry for drawing shapes that don’t fit neatly into a rectangular grid.
Peering through MRI scans of fruit and veg
What do you see when you pass fruit and vegetables through an MRI scanner? And how many animated GIFs can you make?
Creating low contrast wallpapers with Pillow
Take a regular tiling of the plane, apply a random colouring, and voila: a unique wallpaper, courtesy of the Python Imaging Library.
Tiling the plane with Pillow
Using the Python Imaging Library to draw regular tilings of squares, triangles and hexagons.