DynamoDB: Conditional updates on nested fields
I always struggle with the ConditionalUpdate syntax for DynamoDB, so here’s a snippet for the Java SDK that works (with a bit of Scanamo magic to turn case class instances into instances of AttributeValue
import com.gu.scanamo.DynamoFormat
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.{
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
case class Versioned[T](payload: T, version: Version)
val value: Versioned[T]
val evidenceV: DynamoFormat[Version]
val evidenceT: DynamoFormat[T]
val versionAv: AttributeValue = evidenceV.write(value.version)
val payloadAv: AttributeValue = evidenceT.write(value.payload)
val updateItemRequest = new UpdateItemRequest()
.addKeyEntry("id", new AttributeValue().withS(value.version.id))
"SET payload = :payload, version = :version"
.withConditionExpression("attribute_not_exists(id) OR version < :currentVersion")
":currentVersion" -> new AttributeValue(value.version.version.toString),
":payload" -> payloadAv,
":version" -> versionAv
Here is the equivalent code in the Scanamo DSL:
val ops = table
not(attributeExists('id)) or
(attributeExists('id) and 'version \ 'version < value.version.version)
'id -> value.version.id,
set('version -> value.version) and set('payload -> value.payload)
Note especially the use of 'version \ 'version
to access the nested field.