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How to get the expiry date of an HTTPS certificate with Python

Connect to the domain using the socket module, then use the getpeercert() method on the connection to get information about the HTTPS certificate.

I was tinkering with some HTTPS certificates, and I wanted to write a scheduled test that would check the certifcates weren’t about to expire. This is the sort of thing that should be handled by a good certificate provider – for example, Let’s Encrypt sends me emails when my certificates are close to expiry – but another check is a good belt-and-braces measure.

With a bit of help from Stack Overflow, I wrote a Python function that works out when the HTTPS certificate for a domain expires:

import contextlib
import datetime
import socket
import ssl

def get_https_expiry_date(hostname: str) -> datetime.datetime:
    Get the expiry date of the HTTPS certificate for a domain.
    ctx = ssl.create_default_context()

    with contextlib.closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET)) as sock:
        conn = ctx.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=hostname)

        conn.connect((hostname, 443))
        ssl_info = conn.getpeercert()

        # Example date: "Oct 17 12:32:16 2024 GMT"
        expiry_date_str = ssl_info["notAfter"]
        expiry_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            expiry_date_str, "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z"

    return expiry_date

if __name__ == "__main__":

I call that from a test, and assert the delta between now and the expiry date is at least two weeks. I can adjust that threshold as I think is useful.

As an example, here’s what ssl_info looks like for my domain:

{'OCSP': ('',),
 'caIssuers': ('',),
 'issuer': ((('countryName', 'US'),),
            (('organizationName', "Let's Encrypt"),),
            (('commonName', 'E5'),)),
 'notAfter': 'Oct 17 12:32:16 2024 GMT',
 'notBefore': 'Jul 19 12:32:17 2024 GMT',
 'serialNumber': '04D4D59A60990543FD74EA616776AB2274DE',
 'subject': ((('commonName', ''),),),
 'subjectAltName': (('DNS', ''),
                    ('DNS', ''),
                    ('DNS', ''),
                    ('DNS', '')),
 'version': 3}