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How to install an asset from a GitHub release

Use gh release download, which includes a pattern matcher if you want to pick a specific asset.

I wanted to install Caddy in GitHub Actions, and one of the ways to install it is by downloading static binaries from their GitHub releases.

I wasn’t sure how to download release assets in a sensible way – I’ve written shell scripts for it before, but it feels messy and fragile. Surely there must be a better way!

I stumbled upon a GitHub Action in the PHP repository (!) which pointed me in the right direction:

gh release -R caddyserver/caddy download --pattern 'caddy_*_linux_amd64.tar.gz' -O - | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/bin caddy
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/caddy

This is using the GitHub CLI, which I haven’t used before – but it’s pre-installed in GitHub Actions, which is very convenient for my purposes!

In a GitHub Action

Here’s how I packaged this as a step in a GitHub Action:

- name: Install Caddy
    GH_TOKEN: $
  run: |
    gh release download \
      --repo caddyserver/caddy \
      --pattern 'caddy_*_linux_amd64.tar.gz' \
      --output caddy.tar.gz
    tar -xzf caddy.tar.gz --directory /usr/local/bin
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/caddy
    which caddy

It’s a bit more verbose and leaves a caddy.tar.gz file lying around, but I find this version easier to understand and debug.
