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How can I work out what program is keeping a disk open?

Use sudo lsof and grep for the name of the disk you’re trying to eject.

Sometimes when I go to eject a disk on macOS, I can’t and the computer won’t tell me why:

A dialog box 'The disk “Media (Saffron)” wasn't ejected because one or more programs may be using it.

I’ve wrecked an APFS volume by force ejecting it so I’d rather avoid that if I can, but how do I know what programs are using it? Sometimes it tells me the name of macOS apps but other times it just knows that something is using the disk.

Based on a few Internet searches, I’ve cobbled together the following steps.

First, use lsof to see all open files, and grep for the name of the volume I’m trying to eject:

$ sudo lsof | grep Saffron
bztransmi 60758                  root    6r      REG               1,27 4163181904              808769 /Volumes/Media (Saffron)/plex/Movies/Still Alice.mp4
mds       98474                  root    6r      DIR               1,27        992                   2 /Volumes/Media (Saffron)
mds       98474                  root   34r      DIR               1,27      14272                  21 /Volumes/Media (Saffron)/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/A448E67A-FA2B-45BC-B6D9-9EF563D5719E
mds       98474                  root   56r      DIR               1,27        992                   2 /Volumes/Media (Saffron)
mds       98474                  root   73w      REG               1,27         49             1270183 /Volumes/Media (Saffron)/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/A448E67A-FA2B-45BC-B6D9-9EF563D5719E/journals.scan/journal.6898
mds_store 98476                  root  twd       DIR               1,27      14272                  21 /Volumes/Media (Saffron)/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/A448E67A-FA2B-45BC-B6D9-9EF563D5719E
  … skip several hundred entries …
mds_store 98476                  root  362u      REG               1,27       4096             1058890 /Volumes/Media (Saffron)/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/A448E67A-FA2B-45BC-B6D9-9EF563D5719E/live.12.indexHead

If it’s a user-visible app, I can stop it the “proper” way. For example, bztransmit is part of Backblaze – it was trying to upload a file from the disk, so I used the Backblaze menubar helper to pause the current backup. Now Backblaze is no longer holding the disk open!

If it’s mds_store, I just kill it by ID. This is the Spotlight indexer and I don’t know of a “good” way to interrupt it – but I’ve also never seen any issues from stopping it using kill. I can get the process ID from the lsof output.

$ sudo kill -9 98476