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A deletion canary: testing your S3 bucket permissions

At Wellcome, we have a pair of S3 buckets (one primary, one replica) that hold the Collection’s digital archives. Once something is written to the archive, it should be stored permanently, so we want to ensure that people can’t overwrite or delete objects in those buckets.

There are lots of mechanisms in S3 to enforce this sort of policy:

In practice, it would be safest to do a combination of all three: if one fails, the others will still protect you. But how do you test that you’ve configured these protections correctly?

If we want to be completely sure, we should try to delete something, and see what happens. But everything in the bucket is part of the archive, so this is quite risky – if we try to delete a file, and the permissions are wrong, we’ve just deleted an archive file. That’s exactly what we want to avoid!

So instead, in the root of both buckets, we have a file called for_delete_permissions_testing.txt. It’s a canary that we can test with – it exists solely so we can try to delete it.

If we can’t, great, everything is fine.

If we can, losing a copy of this file is less bad than deleting part of the archive.

A file listing in the S3 console. Four files are listed: three folders, and one text file highlighted in blue.

What if somebody comes across this file in a decade’s time, and wonders what it’s for? Then they can download it, and read the text inside the file, which explains what I just explained above.

This isn’t the only way we can test our delete protections, but it’s one of my favourites. It’s as close to a real deletion as possible, without risking any of the real data.