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Closing lots of Safari tabs with JXA

I have a lot of browser tabs. I open way more tabs than I close, so by the end of the week my computer often has hundreds of tabs open. (I currently have 182 tabs.)

Occasionally I keep a tab open because I want to look at it later, but most of these are tabs I just haven’t closed yet – and which I could recreate easily if needed. For example, when I want to see our planning board, it’s faster to open a new tab than find the existing tab. I look at the board several times a day, so I open several different tabs – and they all sink into the background mass of windows on my computer.

This might seem ridiculous, but it works for me. I have a bunch of Alfred shortcuts set up to open different bookmarks, which means I can get to important URLs quickly – and my computer is powerful enough that I don’t feel the drag of all the tabs. It’s just as snappy with 300 tabs as with 3.

But all these repetitive tabs make it harder to find the few tabs I do want to look at later – so I wrote a script that cleans them up. I run this at the end of each day, and a bunch of tabs get closed.

I’m using JavaScript for Automation (JXA) for this script – I’ve been trying to learn more JavaScript for my day job, and JXA seems like a step up from AppleScript. I still get all the automation hooks in macOS, but I don’t have to suffer AppleScript’s control flow or string handling.

Getting a list of browser tabs

I use Safari as my browser, so that’s what I’m using in this script. Chrome and Firefox have similar hooks for AppleScript/JXA, but I leave those as an exercise for the reader.

In JXA, you can look up Safari’s windows as the .windows property on the application, which returns an array. For example, this tells me I have 23 windows open:

const safari = Application("Safari");

/* 23 */

Each of those windows has a .tabs property, which returns another array. For example, this tells me I have 7 tabs open in my 3rd window:

/* 7 */

And I can look up the URL of individual tabs, for example the 5th tab of the 3rd window:

/* */

Windows are ordered front-to-back, and tabs are ordered left-to-right. The first entry of is my front window, the second entry is the window behind it, the third entry the window behind that, and so on. The entries of window.tabs are in left-to-right order.

We can put these calls together in a for loop to get the URL of every tab in every window:

function* tabGenerator() {
  window_count =;

  for (window_index = window_count - 1; window_index >= 0; window_index--) {
    this_window =[window_index];

    tab_count = this_window.tabs.length;

    for (tab_index = tab_count - 1; tab_index >= 0; tab_index--) {
      tab = this_window.tabs[tab_index];
      yield [window_index, tab_index, tab.url()];

This function followed by an asterisk is a JavaScript generator function, which is something I learnt about while writing this script. I’m already very familiar with generators in Python (if you’re not, I recommend Ned Batchelder’s PyCon talk), and I stumbled upon generator functions by searching for “python generator in javascript”.

It returns the tabs in reverse: from right-to-left, bottom-to-top. This is to make the rest of the script simpler. When you close a tab or a window, the .tabs and .windows arrays get renumbered. For example, when I close window 3, what was previously window 4 becomes the new window 3, and window 5 becomes window 4, and window 6 becomes window 5, and so on.

If I went through the tabs in forward orderm it’d be fiddly to make sure I visited every one. After closing window 3, I’d have to go back and check the tabs in the new window 3 to see if any of them needed closing. If I go through the tabs in reverse, the only tabs and windows that get renumbered are ones I’ve already checked, so I don’t need to check them again.

Deciding whether to close a tab

This is the “business logic” of the script – deciding whether a tab can be safely closed. For me, a simple list of URL prefixes is plenty – if any of them match, it’s a tab I know I can recreate later.

function isSafeToClose(url) {

  // Sometimes we get a `null` as the URL of a tab; I'm not sure why,
  // so leave this tab open.
  if (url === null) { return false; }

  return (
    url.startsWith("") ||
    url.startsWith("") ||
    url.startsWith("") ||
    url.startsWith("") ||
    url.startsWith("") ||
    url.startsWith("") ||
    url.startsWith("") ||
    url.startsWith("") ||
    url.startsWith("") ||
    url.startsWith("") ||
    url.startsWith("http://localhost:3000/") ||
    url.startsWith("") ||

I did consider putting the URL prefixes in an array, and using .some() to look for matches:

prefixes = [ /*...*/ ];

return prefixes.some(url.startsWith);

but that returns a mysterious TypeError, and I don’t care enough to dig into it. The OR statement is a bit repetitive, but it’s fine.

If you want to use a version of this script, replace this function with logic to decide what tabs you can safely close.

Putting these two functions together

This is the final part of my script:

for (const [window_index, tab_index, url] of tabGenerator()) {
  if (isSafeToClose(url)) {

It iterates over the URLs returned by tabGenerator(), and then calls isSafeToClose() on each URL. If it’s going to be closed, it prints the URL (so I can see if it closed the wrong tab, and get it back), then calls the .close() method to actually close the tab.

I have everything saved in a file called close_work_tabs, and at the top I have this line:

#!/usr/bin/env osascript -l JavaScript

This shebang means that when I run close_work_tabs from the command line, it gets picked up by osascript and interpreted as a JavaScript file (rather than AppleScript, the default).

If you’d find it helpful, you can download this script as a single file:


This was my first time using JXA for Mac automation, but it won’t be my last. I often help family, friends, and coworkers debug things on their Macs, and a good scripting language is super helpful. Where possible, I prefer to solve their problems with the builtin tools, rather than installing lots of extra stuff on their computers.

I used to rely on the builtin Python, but now Apple is (finally) removing it, I’ll have to switch to something else, and JXA seems like the best choice. Although I’ll continue to have a Python installation on my own computers, I’ll start reaching for JXA in future automations – as a way to practice for when I’m working on somebody else’s Mac.