Pick an accessible venue
If a venue can’t accommodate basic accessibility needs, then look elsewhere.
If your venue isn’t accessible, you’ll either have people who are unable to attend, or worse, who arrive and have to head straight home. You should pick an accessible venue.
Minimum standards for building access will vary by country. Regardless of local laws, here are some basic things you should always be looking for:
Step-free access throughout the building, in a way that accommodates wheelchairs (escalators don’t count)
If the building is on multiple levels, lifts/elevators. Sending somebody outside or to a service lift doesn’t count.
Step-free public transport links nearby.
Accessible bathrooms close to the main space. (Not halfway across the building or in a private area.)
If you have on-site parking, accessible parking spaces, and instructions on how to use them. (Blue badges, car stickers, permits, etc.)
Once you know what you can offer, make sure to provide as much detail as possible.