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How to use hex colours with the palette crate

You can use Srgb::from_str() to parse a hexadecimal string as a colour in the palette crate.

I’m using the Palette crate to do some colour work, and I want a way to take a CSS hex colour and turn it into a nicely-typed Palette colour. I could tell that Palette is able to do this, but it took me a while to figure out how.

The examples below were written with Palette 0.7.6.

The FromHexError enum

If you search the Palette docs for the word hex, all the results point you to the FromHexError enum:

Error type for parsing a string of hexadecimal characters to an Rgb color.

This is a pretty strong clue that Palette is able to do this, but is frustratingly vague about how.

Use from_str() to parse a hex code

I can’t remember how, but I eventually came across the from_str function:

fn from_str(hex: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err>
Parses a color hex code of format ‘#ff00bb’ or ‘#abc’ (with or without the leading ‘#’) into a Rgb<S, u8> instance.

Here’s an example of it in practice:

use std::str::FromStr;
use palette::{FromColor, Hsv, Srgb};

fn main() {
    let rgb = Srgb::from_str("#d01c11").unwrap();
    let hsv = Hsv::from_color(rgb.into_format::<f32>());

    println!("rgb = {:?}", rgb);
    println!("hsv = {:?}", hsv);

// rgb = Rgb { red: 208, green: 28, blue: 17, … }
// hsv = Hsv { hue: RgbHue(3.4554975), saturation: 0.9182692, value: 0.81568635, … }

Use named_from_str() to parse CSS color names

While writing this TIL, I found there’s also a function for parsing colour names:

pub fn from_str(name: &str) -> Option<Srgb<u8>>
Get a SVG/CSS3 color by name. Can be toggled with the "named_from_str" Cargo feature.

The names are the same as the constants, but lower case.

Here’s an example of it in practice:

use palette::{FromColor, Hsv};
use palette::named;

fn main() {
    let rgb = named::from_str("orange").unwrap();
    let hsv = Hsv::from_color(rgb.into_format::<f32>());

    println!("rgb = {:?}", rgb);
    println!("hsv = {:?}", hsv);

// rgb = Rgb { red: 255, green: 165, blue: 0, … }
// hsv = Hsv { hue: RgbHue(38.823532), saturation: 1.0, value: 1.0, … }