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An editing toolbar for

I recently wrote a small bookmarklet that gives me an editing toolbar for this site:

Screenshot of my website. I have a bookmarks sidebar open in my browser, with an item ' toolbar' highlighted in green. There's an arrow from the bookmark pointing to a bar across the top of the site, which says 'Edit this page: on GitHub / in TextMate / See the local dev preview of this page.'

When I run the bookmarklet, it adds a toolbar to the top of the page I’m looking at, which lets me do various useful things:

I can’t imagine anybody else wants this particular bookmarklet, but I’ll explain how it works in case anybody else wants to build something similar.

First, I added the following HTML to one of my templates:

<meta name="page-source-path" content="{{ page.path }}">

This is a Jekyll page variable that contains the path to the source code for a page. For example, on this page this renders as:

<meta name="page-source-path" content="_posts/2021/">

Adding it to the template means it gets baked into every page, and I can read the value with JavaScript.

Then I have some JavaScript which reads the value, and uses it to insert the appropriate blob of HTML at the top of the page:

var sourcePath = document.querySelector("meta[name=page-source-path]").attributes["content"].value;

/* I run the site on http://localhost:5757 when working locally, so that's
 * the URL I want to switch to for the dev preview. */
if (document.location.href.startsWith("")) {
  var altEnvironment = "local dev preview";
  var altUrl = document.location.href.replace("", "http://localhost:5757/");
} else {
  var altEnvironment = "live version";
  var altUrl = document.location.href.replace("http://localhost:5757/", "");

/* Are we running on iOS? I don't have a local checkout of the repo on iOS
 * and I don't run the localhost version of the site, so adding those links
 * isn't useful.  On iOS, the only link I want is to the GitHub source, so I
 * can do quick edits in the browser.
 * See */
var iOS = [
    'iPad Simulator',
    'iPhone Simulator',
    'iPod Simulator',
].includes(navigator.platform) || (navigator.userAgent.includes("Mac") && "ontouchend" in document);

if (iOS) {
  document.querySelector("body").innerHTML = `
    <article style="padding-bottom: 8px; padding-top: 8px;">
      Edit this page:&nbsp;
      <ul class="dot_list" style="display: inline-block; margin: 0;">
        <li><a href="${sourcePath}">on GitHub</a></li>
    ` + document.querySelector("body").innerHTML;
} else {
  /* The link to open in my text editor uses a txmt:// URL, which is the URL
   * scheme for opening files in TextMate, my editor of choice. */
  document.querySelector("body").innerHTML = `
    <article style="padding-bottom: 8px; padding-top: 8px;">
      Edit this page:&nbsp;
      <ul class="dot_list" style="display: inline-block; margin: 0;">
        <li><a href="${sourcePath}">on GitHub</a></li>
        <li><a href="txmt://open?url=file://~/repos/${sourcePath}">in TextMate</a></li>
      See the <a href="${altUrl}">${altEnvironment}</a> of this page
    ` + document.querySelector("body").innerHTML;

Fun fact: this is my first time using JavaScript template literals, which are a super nice feature I wish I’d known about before. I’m only about five years behind the cutting edge of web development!

I used Peter Coles’s bookmarklet creator to turn this into my bookmarklet, and now I have an editing toolbar I can get whenever I need it. It’s been particularly useful when I want to make edits on my phone – I can jump from a page to the source code in GitHub, make a tweak in GitHub’s editor, and my continuous deployment pipeline will publish the updated version shortly afterwards.

I can’t imagine anyone else wants this exact bookmarklet, but if you have your own static site then something like this might be useful.